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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Our relocation to the Country

Well the Franzen's moved into the country dream house! It needed a lot of work because it was vacant for about a year and a half. I am going to use the entry in order to explain why I haven't been posting to the blog... Here is a pic of the house when it was listed for sale a couple of years ago:

Here are some before and after shots...

Front of House BEFORE:

Front of House AFTER:

Pastures BEFORE:

Pastures Getting cleaned up:

Pastures AFTER:

Back of House Before:

Back of House AFTER:

Burn Pile(s):

Front of Barn BEFORE:

Front of Barn After:

Other Fun photos:

Stall Plates from Donnie:


Barn Cams with night vision:

Condo sized stalls:

I love living here!